// load configuraton from .env file (if exists) require('dotenv').config() const convict = require('convict') const convict_format_with_validator = require('convict-format-with-validator') const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const yaml = require('js-yaml') const fs = require('fs') convict.addFormats(convict_format_with_validator) convict.addParser({ extension: ['yml', 'yaml'], parse: yaml.safeLoad }) let config = convict({ webdav: { server_url: { doc: 'WebDAV server URL (eg. https://myhost.com:2078)', format: 'url', env: 'WEBDAV_SERVER_URL', default: null, }, username: { doc: 'Username for WebDAV server', format: 'String', env: 'WEBDAV_USERNAME', default: null, }, password: { doc: 'Password for WebDAV server', format: 'String', env: 'WEBDAV_PASSWORD', default: null, sensitive: true, }, path_prefix: { doc: 'Where to upload files (eg. /seance-uploads)', format: 'String', env: 'WEBDAV_PATH_PREFIX', default: null, }, uploaded_path_prefix: { doc: 'URL where files are uploaded (eg. https://mysitem.com/media)', format: 'url', env: 'WEBDAV_UPLOADED_PATH_PREFIX', default: null, }, use_digest: { doc: 'Whether to use digest authentication', format: 'Boolean', env: 'WEBDAV_USE_DIGEST', default: false, } }, ghost: { url: { doc: 'URL of Ghost installation', format: 'url', env: 'GHOST_URL', default: null, }, version: { format: 'String', env: 'GHOST_VERSION', default: 'v2', }, admin_key: { doc: 'Admin API key for Ghost', format: 'String', env: 'GHOST_ADMIN_KEY', default: null, sensitive: true, } }, scissors: { doc: 'Separator image (for comparison)', format: '*', // TODO: validate by checking path env: 'SEPARATOR_IMAGE', default: null, } }) // Load configs from home directory, if present userConfig = path.join(os.homedir(), '.config/seance.yaml') if (fs.existsSync(userConfig)) { config.loadFile(userConfig) } else if (process.argv[2] != 'setup') { console.warn( 'Warning: no config file detected! ' + 'Please run `seance setup` to configure your system' ) } var validated // Validate config try { config.validate() validated = true } catch(e) { console.error(e) validated = false } allConf = config.getProperties() allConf.validated = validated module.exports = allConf