const express = require("express") const bodyParser = require("body-parser") const moment = require("moment") const Airtable = require("airtable") // Let's load some configuration! require("dotenv").config() const port = process.env.SNIPBOT_PORT || 5000 // Now it's time for setup! Airtable.configure({ endpointUrl: process.env.SNIPBOT_AIRTABLE_ENDPOINT, apiKey: process.env.SNIPBOT_AIRTABLE_API_KEY, }) const base = Airtable.base(process.env.SNIPBOT_AIRTABLE_BASE_ID) const app = express() app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}.`) }) app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.send({ status: "ok", message: "woof, woof!" }) })"/add", (req, res) => { const { a, b } = req.body res.send({ result: a + b }) })"/edcal", (req, res) => { let articles = [] base('Articles').select({ maxRecords: 10, view: "Calendar", fields: [ "Title", "Author", "Due Date", "Publish Date", "In charge", "Status", ], filterByFormula: "NOT({Status} = 'Stalled')", sort: [ { field: "Publish Date", direction: "desc" }, { field: "Status", direction: "asc" }, ], }).eachPage(function page(records, fetchNextPage) { records.forEach((record) => { console.log(`Got ${record.get('Title')}`) articles.push({ title: record.get("Title"), author: record.get("Author"), due_date: moment(record.get("Due Date")).format("DD MMM"), publish_date: moment(record.get("Publish Date")).format("DD MMM YYYY"), in_charge: record.get("In charge"), status: record.get("Status"), }) }) fetchNextPage() }, function done(err) { if (err) { console.error(err) res.send({ status: "error", "error": "An error occurred :("}) return } if (req.body.command != 'edcal') { let statusToEmoji = new Map([ ['Published', ':grin:'], ['Scheduled', ':alarm_clock:'], ['WIP', ':roundpup:'], ['Waiting for response', ':zzz:'], ['Stalled', ':clown_face:'], ]) // format the articles into a table articleTable = (articles .reverse() .map(a => `|${a.title}|${>[0]).join(',')}|${a.due_date}|${a.publish_date}|${statusToEmoji.get(a.status) || a.status}|`) .join("\n")) // an emoji -> status message legend to display at the end emojiKey = ([...statusToEmoji.entries()] .map((x) => `${x[1]} ${x[0]}`) .join(' ')) // ...and we're out! res.send({ response_type: "in_channel", text: ` #### Editorial Calendar #are |:roundpup: Title|PP|Due Date|Publish Date|Status| |:---------------|:-|:-------|:-----------|:-----| ${articleTable} ${emojiKey} `, }) } else { res.send({ status: "ok", articles: articles.reverse() }) } }) })