const path = require(`path`) const config = require(`./src/utils/siteConfig`) const generateRSSFeed = require(`./src/utils/rss/generate-feed`) let ghostConfig try { ghostConfig = require(`./.ghost`) } catch (e) { ghostConfig = { production: { apiUrl: process.env.GHOST_API_URL, contentApiKey: process.env.GHOST_CONTENT_API_KEY, }, } } finally { const { apiUrl, contentApiKey } = process.env.NODE_ENV === `development` ? ghostConfig.development : ghostConfig.production if (!apiUrl || !contentApiKey || contentApiKey.match(//)) { throw new Error(`GHOST_API_URL and GHOST_CONTENT_API_KEY are required to build. Check the README.`) // eslint-disable-line } } /** * This is the place where you can tell Gatsby which plugins to use * and set them up the way you want. * * Further info 👉🏼 * */ module.exports = { siteMetadata: { siteUrl: config.siteUrl, }, plugins: [ /** * Content Plugins */ { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { path: path.join(__dirname, `src`, `pages`), name: `pages`, }, }, // Setup for optimised images. // See { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { path: path.join(__dirname, `src`, `images`), name: `images`, }, }, `gatsby-plugin-sharp`, `gatsby-transformer-sharp`, { resolve: `gatsby-source-ghost`, options: process.env.NODE_ENV === `development` ? ghostConfig.development : ghostConfig.production, }, /** * Utility Plugins */ { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-ghost-manifest`, options: { short_name: config.shortTitle, start_url: `/`, background_color: config.backgroundColor, theme_color: config.themeColor, display: `minimal-ui`, icon: `static/${config.siteIcon}`, legacy: true, query: ` { allGhostSettings { edges { node { title description } } } } `, }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-feed`, options: { query: ` { allGhostSettings { edges { node { title description } } } } `, feeds: [ generateRSSFeed(config), ], }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-advanced-sitemap`, options: { query: ` { allGhostPost { edges { node { id slug updated_at created_at feature_image } } } allGhostPage { edges { node { id slug updated_at created_at feature_image } } } allGhostTag { edges { node { id slug feature_image } } } allGhostAuthor { edges { node { id slug profile_image } } } }`, mapping: { allGhostPost: { sitemap: `posts`, }, allGhostTag: { sitemap: `tags`, }, allGhostAuthor: { sitemap: `authors`, }, allGhostPage: { sitemap: `pages`, }, }, exclude: [ `/dev-404-page`, `/404`, `/404.html`, `/offline-plugin-app-shell-fallback`, ], createLinkInHead: true, addUncaughtPages: true, }, }, `gatsby-plugin-catch-links`, `gatsby-plugin-react-helmet`, `gatsby-plugin-force-trailing-slashes`, `gatsby-plugin-offline`, ], }