{ "name": "Ghost on Heroku", "description": "Just a blogging platform", "logo": "https://cdn.rawgit.com/TryGhost/Ghost-Admin/61fe83dff375a145d5272a5382aa2c72bd994830/public/assets/img/large.png", "repository": "https://github.com/snathjr/ghost-on-heroku", "scripts": { "postdeploy": "bin/init-deployment" }, "success_url": "/ghost", "addons": [ "jawsdb", "mailgun", "cloudinary" ], "env": { "APP_PUBLIC_URL": { "description": "The HTTPS URL of this app: either your custom domain or default 'herokuapp.com' hostname.", "value": "https://YOURAPPNAME.herokuapp.com" }, "S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID": { "description": "(Optional) Set your AWS Access Key ID to enable S3 file storage. Defaults to Cloudinary storage", "required": false }, "S3_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY": { "description": "AWS Access Secret Key, if using S3 file storage.", "required": false }, "S3_BUCKET_NAME": { "description": "Name of your S3 bucket on AWS, if using S3 file storage.", "required": false }, "S3_BUCKET_REGION": { "description": "Region of your S3 bucket on AWS, if using S3 file storage.", "required": false }, "S3_ASSET_HOST_URL": { "description": "Optional custom CDN asset host url, if using S3 file storage.", "required": false }, "WEBDAV_SERVER_URL": { "description": "URL of your WebDAV server, if using WebDAV file storage", "required": false }, "WEBDAV_USERNAME": { "description": "Username for your WebDAV server, if using WebDAV file storage", "required": false }, "WEBDAV_PASSWORD": { "description": "Password for your WebDAV server, if using WebDAV file storage", "required": false }, "WEBDAV_PATH_PREFIX": { "description": "Optional path prefix for your WebDAV server, if using WebDAV file storage", "required": false }, "WEBDAV_STORAGE_PATH_PREFIX": { "description": "Optional storage path prefix for your WebDAV server, if using WebDAV file storage", "required": false }, } }