module.exports = { siteName: 'Snipette', siteUrl: '', siteDescription: 'Your weekly dose of perspective, understandibility and fun', titleTemplate: `%s - Snipette`, mediaUrlFrom: '', mediaUrlTo: '', templates: { GhostPost: '/:slug', GhostPage: '/:slug', GhostTag: '/tag/:slug', GhostAuthor: '/author/:slug' }, plugins: [ { use: '@gridsome/source-ghost', options: { baseUrl: process.env.GHOST_API_URL, contentKey: process.env.GHOST_CONTENT_KEY, routes: { post: '/:slug', page: '/:slug', author: '/author/:slug' } } }, { use: '@gridsome/plugin-sitemap', options: { cacheTime: 600000, //default exclude: ['/not-ready/'], } }, { use: '@microflash/gridsome-plugin-feed', options: { // (required) GraphQL collection types contentTypes: ['GhostPost'], // (optional) Properties used by feed API // See for all options feedOptions: { title: 'Snipette', description: 'Your weekly dose of understandibility, perspective and fun', link: '', }, // (optional) Options for feed formats rss: { enabled: true, output: '/feed.xml', }, atom: { enabled: true, output: '/feed.atom', }, // (optional) an array of properties to be parsed as HTML // Converts relative URLs to absolute URLs // You can disable this by omitting the option htmlFields: ['html'], enforceTrailingSlashes: true, // (optional) sets the properties on each feed item // See for all options nodeToFeedItem: (node) => ({ image: node.feature_image, title: node.title, date: new Date(node.published_at || null), content: '' + node.html, }), }, }, ] }