Badri Sunderarajan 0d9ecfd8f5 Make Seance into separate Object
Now, the Seance object is what everyone operates with. That way,
we can do fancy stuff like emitting events, etc. if the need so
arises (as it will, very soon; trust me).
2020-05-04 18:01:05 +05:30

170 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env node
const program = require('commander')
const path = require('path')
const prompt = require('prompt-async')
const readline = require('readline')
const os = require('os')
const fs = require('fs')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const config = require('./config')
const {
} = require ('./functions')
.description('pull posts from Medium and add them to a Ghost blog');
.description('Initial setup and configuration')
.action(async () => {
console.log('Hello and welcome to Seance.')
'\n\nWe\'re going to take you through some steps' +
' to set up your system.\n'
console.log('First up: WebDAV details.')
'Please enter your server url (including the port), ' +
'username, and password\n'
var res
res = await prompt.get([
{ name: 'server_url', default: config.webdav.server_url || '' },
{ name: 'username', default: config.webdav.username || '' },
{ name: 'password', default: config.webdav.password || '' , hidden: true},
config.webdav.server_url = res.server_url
config.webdav.username = res.username
config.webdav.password = res.password
console.log(`\nOkay. So we have ${config.webdav.username} on ${config.webdav.server_url} with [ the password you set]`)
'\nA couple more settings for your WebDAV: ' +
'we need to know the path prefix and the uploaded path prefix.\n' +
'The path prefix is the subfolder to which you upload, like ' +
'`/seance-uploads`, while the uploaded path prefix is what '+
'you\'d stick in front of the filename after uploading ' +
'(like ``).\n'
res = await prompt.get([
{ name: 'path_prefix', default: config.webdav.path_prefix || '' },
{ name: 'uploaded_path_prefix', default: config.webdav.uploaded_path_prefix || '' },
config.webdav.path_prefix = res.path_prefix
config.webdav.uploaded_path_prefix = res.uploaded_path_prefix
console.log(`Cool. So uploads to ${config.webdav.path_prefix} will go to ${config.webdav.uploaded_path_prefix}.`)
console.log('\n\nNext up: Ghost settings.')
'The Ghost URL is basically the link to your main ' +
'Ghost site, and the admin API key can be found by going to ' +
'your Settings -> Integrations page.\n'
res = await prompt.get([
{ name: 'url', default: config.ghost.url || '' },
{ name: 'version', default: config.ghost.version || 'v2' },
{ name: 'admin_key', default: config.ghost.admin_key || '' },
config.ghost.url = res.url
config.ghost.version = res.version
config.ghost.admin_key = res.admin_key
console.log(`Right. So that's Ghost ${config.ghost.version} running at ${config.ghost.url} with key ${config.ghost.admin_key}`)
'\n\nA final thing. Do you have a "scissors" or other image ' +
'used as a separator in your article? If so, enter the path ' +
'here and we\'ll check against it to auto-convert them to ' +
'Ghost-friendly separators. If you don\'t use scissors, you ' +
'can just press Enter without typing anything.\n'
res = await prompt.get([
{ name: 'scissors', default: config.scissors || '' },
config.scissors = res.scissors
if (config.scissors) {
console.log(`Done. Scissors set to ${config.scissors}`)
} else {
console.log('No scissors? That\'s fine. You\'ll get there one day :)')
console.log('\n\nFinal confirmation: would you like to save these settings?')
const { save } = await prompt.get(['save'])
if (save == '' || (save[0] && save[0].toLowerCase() != 'n')) {
const configDir = path.join(os.homedir(), '.config')
if (!fs.existsSync(configDir)) {
userConfig = path.join(configDir, 'seance.yaml')
data = yaml.safeDump(config)
fs.writeFileSync(userConfig, data)
console.log('\nThat\'s it - we\'re done!')
} else {
console.log('Not saving? What a pity!')
program.command('fetch-medium <post_url>')
.description('fetch a Medium post')
.action((post_url) => {
new Seance().fetchFromMedium(post_url)
.then((post) => {`"${post.title}" fetched successfully.`)
program.command('push-ghost <file>')
.description('push a downloaded Medium post to Ghost')
.action((file) => {
new Seance().pushToGhost(file);
program.command('medium-to-ghost <mediumUrl>')
.description('copy a Medium file over to Ghost')
.action((mediumUrl) => {
new Seance().pushToGhost(mediumUrl);
program.command('create-user <username> <email>')
.description('create ghost-import.json to import Medium user to Ghost')
.action(async (username, email) => {
const jsonOut = await new Seance().generateUserData(username, email)
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`Error: ${err.error}`)
console.log(await jsonOut);
program.command('webdav-test <file>')
.description('[test command] upload stuff to WebDAV')
.action(async (file) => {
// decide path
current_date = new Date();
var dir_path = path.join(
'test' // TODO: replace with article slug
new Seance().uploadDav(dir_path, file);
program.command('check-scissors <file>')
.description('[test command] check if an image matches the set separator')
.action(async (file) => {
console.log(await new Seance().checkScissors(file))