The new TailwindCSS (v2.x) has different colours from the earlier one (v1.x), but the old ones were nicer and more muted so we changed them back!
130 lines
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130 lines
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module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {},
fontFamily: {
'serif': [ 'Crimson Text', 'Crimson Pro', 'Georgia', 'ui-serif', ],
'heading': [ 'Abhaya Libre', 'ui-serif' ],
'sans': [ 'Open Sans', 'sans-serif' ],
colors: {
transparent: 'transparent',
current: 'currentColor',
black: '#000',
white: '#fff',
gray: {
100: '#f7fafc',
200: '#edf2f7',
300: '#e2e8f0',
400: '#cbd5e0',
500: '#a0aec0',
600: '#718096',
700: '#4a5568',
800: '#2d3748',
900: '#1a202c',
red: {
100: '#fff5f5',
200: '#fed7d7',
300: '#feb2b2',
400: '#fc8181',
500: '#f56565',
600: '#e53e3e',
700: '#c53030',
800: '#9b2c2c',
900: '#742a2a',
orange: {
100: '#fffaf0',
200: '#feebc8',
300: '#fbd38d',
400: '#f6ad55',
500: '#ed8936',
600: '#dd6b20',
700: '#c05621',
800: '#9c4221',
900: '#7b341e',
yellow: {
100: '#fffff0',
200: '#fefcbf',
300: '#faf089',
400: '#f6e05e',
500: '#ecc94b',
600: '#d69e2e',
700: '#b7791f',
800: '#975a16',
900: '#744210',
green: {
100: '#f0fff4',
200: '#c6f6d5',
300: '#9ae6b4',
400: '#68d391',
500: '#48bb78',
600: '#38a169',
700: '#2f855a',
800: '#276749',
900: '#22543d',
teal: {
100: '#e6fffa',
200: '#b2f5ea',
300: '#81e6d9',
400: '#4fd1c5',
500: '#38b2ac',
600: '#319795',
700: '#2c7a7b',
800: '#285e61',
900: '#234e52',
blue: {
100: '#ebf8ff',
200: '#bee3f8',
300: '#90cdf4',
400: '#63b3ed',
500: '#4299e1',
600: '#3182ce',
700: '#2b6cb0',
800: '#2c5282',
900: '#2a4365',
indigo: {
100: '#ebf4ff',
200: '#c3dafe',
300: '#a3bffa',
400: '#7f9cf5',
500: '#667eea',
600: '#5a67d8',
700: '#4c51bf',
800: '#434190',
900: '#3c366b',
purple: {
100: '#faf5ff',
200: '#e9d8fd',
300: '#d6bcfa',
400: '#b794f4',
500: '#9f7aea',
600: '#805ad5',
700: '#6b46c1',
800: '#553c9a',
900: '#44337a',
pink: {
100: '#fff5f7',
200: '#fed7e2',
300: '#fbb6ce',
400: '#f687b3',
500: '#ed64a6',
600: '#d53f8c',
700: '#b83280',
800: '#97266d',
900: '#702459',
variants: {},
plugins: [],